Care Center
for women and men faced with pregnancy decisions
Together, we can ensure no single mom or dad has to walk alone. An unexpected pregnancy can be scary. It’s normal to feel lost and alone and even a little afraid. We know what that’s like - and we can help.
You have your own unique story, and there is a resounding common feeling - fear. Fear you cannot parent well, fear of what your parents will say, fear your plans and goals are gone forever, fear you cannot do this alone, fear you cannot handle this crisis. And while one of our primary goals is to walk this part of the journey with you – to speak truth in love to you and support you – our ultimate goal is to bring you the message of hope, healing and wholeness found in Jesus Christ. Life for your precious pre-born child and life for you.
Free Pregnancy Test
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Spiritual Support
The Pregnancy Care Center is committed to meeting the needs of the whole person. Each individual who seeks our help has physical, emotional and spiritual need. We minister to them with sensitivity. The good news of salvation is shared as the Lord gives volunteers the opportunity through their relationship with women and families who call or come in for help.
We are supported by the resources of local evangelical churches as well as the community. We are governed by a local board of directors. Our executive director supervises a staff of trained volunteers, all of whom are believers.